After a short quiet period after Harrogate it's been a busy few days with yet more miles racked up.
Last week started with the Scottish Association AGM.This was,of course,very special for me and it was probably appropriate that this was the first of many Association AGMs I will be attending.I shared a platform with the Director,David Magor, on our Committee of Enquiry into Local Government Finance and we also gave some thoughts on current topical issues.There was also a presentation by one of the major Sheriff Officer firms on the new Bankruptcy and Diligence Act.All in all this was an excellent event with over 100 attending.
Over the next couple of months I will be attending lots of Association events ,conferences,dinners,AGMs and other social events so the diary is certainly hotting up.I will need to check to see if there are any Associaitons which have yet to give me dates for their events as I'd like to get round them all,if possible.
Last week saw the final meetings of our Leonardo Project in Alicante.This involves colleagues from Bulgaria,Czech Republic,Spain and Romania and has been extremely successful.I have been fortunate enough to have attended a few of these meetings and I am always struck at how much we can learn from each other.Our hosts looked after us extremely well and our study tour was in Benidorm.Now before anyone thinks we were having a great time sunbathing I can tell you we had an interesting tour of the City of Benidorm's Council offices.We did manage an hour's leisure time but we certainly felt a bit out of place in Benidorm town with suits,collars and ties on!....and yes it was nice and sunny.
This week I hosted a dinner with the President of the International Association of Assessing Officers from America along with colleagues from Northern Ireland.Now I'm not a valuer but I was fascinated at how they carry out annual revaluations using computor aided mass appraisal (CAMA) something which has just been completed in the Province.Again we have lots to learn from others and for me this only reaffirmed our own Committee of Enquiry finding that this process should be introduced here on the mainland.
I now have a few days rest..oops...I mean time in the office until my next round of official duties,My next Association event will be in 2 weeks time with the Western Association in Plymouth .Those of you who know me will also realise this will be special for me as I am an ardent Plymouth Argyle supporter (don't ask why).And on that subject I am sure you will be aware that Argyle play our Director's team,Watford, in the cup a week Saturday.As ever,David is confident but I think an upset could be on the cards.By the time I do my next update the Pilgrims might be in the cup semis!!